
Free Seminar

Started by John Adair June 14, 2004
Apologies to those who don't like ads but this free and has no strings
attached. It is biased to MicroBlaze and PicoBlaze on the basis of that is
what we do most. If you are in our locality please let us know if you would
like to attend.

Link is http://www.enterpoint.co.uk/seminar/microblaze_intro.html

John Adair
Enterpoint Ltd.

This message is the personal opinion of the sender and not that necessarily
that of Enterpoint Ltd.. Readers should make their own evaluation of the
facts. No responsibility for error or inaccuracy is accepted.

I would like to use a Virtex to connect a camera in LVDS ( camera Link). Is possible to do that directly, or should I use an external driver. <br>
Thanks to all. <br><br>Pippo