
How to change the font size in text editor of modelsim

Started by fl August 25, 2006
I am using Modelsim 6.2e with the Xilinx webpack 8.2. When I print the
vhdl text from the text editor of Modelsim, the font size is very big.
How to modify the font size in the printed paper? I do not find such
dialogue box. 

Thank you very much.

enter the menu "tool", and then press on "edit preference".
in the right window, titled "window list", choose "source window".
then in the left part, under the title "fonts",
you can choose the font and its size.
!!!important!!! you may need to widen the window,
to see all the options (like the font size).

On Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 2:08:00 AM UTC+5:30, elen wrote:
> Hi, > enter the menu "tool", and then press on "edit preference". > in the right window, titled "window list", choose "source window". > then in the left part, under the title "fonts", > you can choose the font and its size. > !!!important!!! you may need to widen the window, > to see all the options (like the font size).