
ARM C/C++ compiler independent of OS

Started by Kartik Krishnan July 1, 2003
i want to use some ARM C/C++ compiler which is independent of the
operating system.
What i am looking for is plain translation of my C/C++ benchmarking
code into plain ARM assebly and then into binaries...
if i use the ADS C/C++ compiler it generates some software interrupts
which kinda throws everything off track... Did any one have the same
problem before...?
or shoudl i get started with writing my own ARM compiler (but would
take ages (:  )
Kartik Krishnan wrote:
> i want to use some ARM C/C++ compiler which is independent of the > operating system. > What i am looking for is plain translation of my C/C++ benchmarking > code into plain ARM assebly and then into binaries... > if i use the ADS C/C++ compiler it generates some software interrupts > which kinda throws everything off track... Did any one have the same > problem before...? > or shoudl i get started with writing my own ARM compiler (but would > take ages (: ) > Thanks > Kartik
you can do what you want to do with ADS, but if you use something semihosting to do printf's and such I think it will use SWIs You may also have to provide the startup assembly file that does stack setup and memory init, yourself -Lasse