Josy Boelen (@josyb)
In a point-to-point go for UDP, it is simple and reliable enough; it is only when you travel long distances over switches and ISP that packets and order get lost.TCP...
This may get you started: think doing it in MyHDL and then converting it to VHDL (by MyHDL) wil make life easier,...
convert to unsigned as in:def twos2sm( a ):''' accept a 16 bit signed input vector and return the sign and magnitude '''if a[15]:# negativereturn 1, 2**15 - a[15:0]else:return...
Kaz,Thus effectively discarding the 3 lowest bits of the input data?Did you convert the 2's complement into sign + (unsigned) magnitude, before discarding the 3...
Hi Kaz,Did you use exactly that table to compress the 15 bits + sign into 7 bits + sign? Or did you make a new table?Can we see the code?Regards,Josy
Just being pedantic, but a counter that counts in an arbitrary sequence is not a counter. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, ......
I always say: 'A State Machine is worth a Thousand Equations'.Now I may add: 'and a Dozen of Counters' :)
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