Reply by John Williams October 18, 20042004-10-18
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Hi Brad,

Brad Smallridge wrote:

> This sounds like a powerful way to really check the video processing. > What kind of video processing are you doing? And what do the VHDL > models look like?
I'm sure it could be more powerful, but it met my needs. I'm not doing a lot of video/image work now, this is from a few years ago when I was investigating some real-time remote sensing / image processing algorithms. I've attached a sample test bench, maybe it will be useful in showing you the overall structure and file IO. It's not particularly sophisticated, but will give the general idea.. Regards, John --------------080605060704040900020308 Content-Type: text/plain; name="tb_conv_eng.vhd" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="tb_conv_eng.vhd" -- Vhdl test bench created from schematic conv_eng.sch - Wed May 22 11:00:13 2002 -- -- Notes: -- 1) This testbench template has been automatically generated using types -- std_logic and std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. -- Xilinx recommends that these types always be used for the top-level -- I/O of a design in order to guarantee that the testbench will bind -- correctly to the timing (post-route) simulation model. -- 2) To use this template as your testbench, change the filename to any -- name of your choice with the extension .vhd, and use the "Source->Add" -- menu in Project Navigator to import the testbench. Then -- edit the user defined section below, adding code to generate the -- stimulus for your design. -- LIBRARY ieee; LIBRARY UNISIM; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; USE UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; use std.textio.all; use work.conv_types.all; ENTITY testbench IS END testbench; ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF testbench IS COMPONENT conv_eng PORT( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; d_strobe : IN STD_LOGIC; data_in : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0); reset : IN STD_LOGIC; data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); oen : OUT STD_LOGIC); END COMPONENT; SIGNAL clk : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL d_strobe : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL data_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL reset : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL oen : STD_LOGIC; signal completed : std_logic; constant T_clk : time := 50 ns; constant T_su : time := 5 ns; BEGIN UUT: conv_eng PORT MAP( clk => clk, d_strobe => d_strobe, data_in => data_in, reset => reset, data_out => data_out, oen => oen ); stimulus : PROCESS variable pix_cnt : integer := 0; variable pix_val : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable clk_cnt : integer := 0; variable l_in : line; file infile : text open read_mode is "image.txt"; procedure clock_cycle(signal clk : out std_logic) is begin wait for T_su; clk <= '1'; wait for T_clk; clk <= '0'; wait for T_clk-T_su; end procedure; BEGIN -- reset everything for a few clock cycles completed <= '0'; d_strobe <= '0'; reset <= '1'; clock_cycle(clk); reset<= '0'; clock_cycle(clk); -- run an image through the filter for row in 0 to rows-1 loop for col in 0 to cols-1 loop -- check for end of file assert not endfile(infile) report "Premature end of file!" severity failure; readline(infile,l_in); hread(l_in,pix_val); data_in <= pix_val; d_strobe <= '1'; clock_cycle(clk); d_strobe <= '0'; for clk_cnt in 0 to 12 loop clock_cycle(clk); end loop; end loop; end loop; -- drain the pipeline data_in <= (others => '0'); for drain in 0 to cols loop d_strobe <= '1'; clock_cycle(clk); d_strobe <= '0'; for clk_cnt in 0 to 12 loop clock_cycle(clk); end loop; end loop; completed <= '1'; wait; END PROCESS; response:process variable l_out : line; file outfile : text open write_mode is "output.txt"; begin wait on oen until oen'event and oen='1'; if(completed='1') then wait; elsif(oen'event and oen='1') then hwrite(l_out,data_out); writeline(outfile,l_out); end if; end process; END; --------------080605060704040900020308--
Reply by Brad Smallridge October 18, 20042004-10-18
> IIRC the book "VHDL for Logic Synthesis" by Rushton has a good section > on writing VHDL testbenches, talks about file IO and so on. > > My preferred approach, when possible/sensible, is to write fairly > generic VHDL testbenches that read the stimulus and expected response > data from text files, and then drives the unit-under-test from that > data. This lets you use other tools to generate the input and output > datasets. I've used this to verify implementations of image processing > algorithms - prototype the algorithm in matlab, design the hardware, > then drive both the matlab and VHDL models with the same input data > files, comparing the results.
This sounds like a powerful way to really check the video processing. What kind of video processing are you doing? And what do the VHDL models look like?
Reply by John Williams October 17, 20042004-10-17
Brad Smallridge wrote:

> Yeah. I am gathering that. And it is also difficult to understand where VHDL > testbenches "begins" and the other takes over. There is also a waveformer > in the Xilinx tool that is somewhat intuitive. I have found some text books > that cover simulation testbenches and give a few examples. Very week though > in terms of the numbers of examples and the strategy behind the use of the > various commands. I still haven't found an example of a bidirectional test > bench. I also started searching the web with the words downto and testbench > and have found some examples, but these are not what I would call good > tutorials.
IIRC the book "VHDL for Logic Synthesis" by Rushton has a good section on writing VHDL testbenches, talks about file IO and so on. My preferred approach, when possible/sensible, is to write fairly generic VHDL testbenches that read the stimulus and expected response data from text files, and then drives the unit-under-test from that data. This lets you use other tools to generate the input and output datasets. I've used this to verify implementations of image processing algorithms - prototype the algorithm in matlab, design the hardware, then drive both the matlab and VHDL models with the same input data files, comparing the results. Rgds, John
Reply by rickman October 17, 20042004-10-17
Brad Smallridge wrote:
> > Yeah. I am gathering that. And it is also difficult to understand where VHDL > testbenches "begins" and the other takes over. There is also a waveformer > in the Xilinx tool that is somewhat intuitive. I have found some text books > that cover simulation testbenches and give a few examples. Very week though > in terms of the numbers of examples and the strategy behind the use of the > various commands. I still haven't found an example of a bidirectional test > bench. I also started searching the web with the words downto and testbench > and have found some examples, but these are not what I would call good > tutorials.
Personally, I find a VHDL testbench much easier to write than generating a waveform type stimulus. In VHDL I can write procedures to control a bus interface reading data from a file or provide feedback from one external interface to another. In short, it is a lot like writing any other program since it does not need to be sythesizable. The *hard* part is knowing what you want it to do! -- Rick "rickman" Collins Ignore the reply address. To email me use the above address with the XY removed. Arius - A Signal Processing Solutions Company Specializing in DSP and FPGA design URL 4 King Ave 301-682-7772 Voice Frederick, MD 21701-3110 301-682-7666 FAX
Reply by Mike Treseler October 16, 20042004-10-16
Brad Smallridge wrote:
> Yeah. I am gathering that. And it is also difficult to understand where VHDL > testbenches "begins" and the other takes over.
The design entity becomes an instance in the testbench architecture.
> I have found some text books > that cover simulation testbenches and give a few examples. Very week though > in terms of the numbers of examples and the strategy behind the use of the > various commands.
The basic strategy is to wiggle the inputs and watch for expected values on the outputs.
> I still haven't found an example of a bidirectional test bench.
here's one: Good luck. -- Mike Treseler
Reply by Brad Smallridge October 16, 20042004-10-16
> It comes with quite a good introductory tutorial.
The 58 page one?
Reply by Brad Smallridge October 16, 20042004-10-16
Yeah. I am gathering that. And it is also difficult to understand where VHDL
testbenches  "begins" and the other takes over. There is also a waveformer
in the Xilinx tool that is somewhat intuitive. I have found some text books
that cover simulation testbenches and give a few examples. Very week though
in terms of the numbers of examples and the strategy behind the use of the
various commands. I still haven't found an example of a bidirectional test
bench.  I also started searching the web with the words downto and testbench
and have found some examples, but these are not what I would call good

"Simon Peacock" <> wrote in message
> modelsim isn't really that difficult to use... its the VHDL or verilog > testbench that's the bugger. > > Simon >
Reply by Leon Heller October 16, 20042004-10-16
"Brad Smallridge" <> wrote in message
> Where are there some really easy point and click tutorials for ModelSIM?
It comes with quite a good introductory tutorial. Leon
Reply by Simon Peacock October 16, 20042004-10-16
modelsim isn't really that difficult to use... its the VHDL or verilog
testbench that's the bugger.


"Brad Smallridge" <> wrote in message
> Where are there some really easy point and click tutorials for ModelSIM? > >
Reply by Brad Smallridge October 15, 20042004-10-15
Where are there some really easy point and click tutorials for ModelSIM?