Reply by Hezi Hershkovitz November 25, 20042004-11-25
when simulating the code below with modelsim SE 5.8d (and above), the
CD, Sync, and WaitCnt don't get the correct values under reset ('1',
'0', and 1 respectively). instead, they get 'U','U', and 0.
when running the simulation with Modelsim SE 5.8 they do get the
correct values.

signal CD :std_logic;
signal Sync :std_logic;
signal WaitCnt : integer range 0 to ..;


reset <= '0', '1' after 2 us;
clk <= not clk after 8 ns;  --initialized as '1'.

    if reset='0' then
      CD <= '1';
      Sync <= '0';
      WaitCnt <= 1;
    elsif clk'event and clk ='1' then
    end if;
end process;

did anyone encounter a similiar problem?
thank you very much