Reply by Mike Treseler December 31, 20042004-12-31
qudhs wrote:

> for all other location, the data is writting correctly. could someone > point out what could be problem of those "wrong" writing? thank you!
Consider running a simulation with a walking '1' and walking '0' address. -- Mike Treseler
Reply by qudhs December 28, 20042004-12-28
does anyone have some experience with the Xilinx EDK OPB_SDRAM
I am using it to control an 8Mx32 external SDRAM (from Micron). It
appears that not all the writing are done correctly. for some address
space, there is no data or wrong data written to the SDRAM. in fact, the
"wrong" writing happens periodically, as following,
1c, 1d, 1e,1f, 20,21,22,23,28,29,2a,2b (round 1)
5c, 5d, 5e,5f, 60,61,62,63,68,69,6a,6b (round 2, after 0x40 from round
9c, 9d, 9e,9f, a0,a1,a2,a3,a8,a9,aa,ab (round 3, after 0x40 from round

for all other location, the data is writting correctly. could someone
point out what could be problem of those "wrong" writing? thank you!
