Reply by htoerrin November 17, 20052005-11-17
Seemes strange to me.
The UART supplied in SOPC builder, under Communication, on my system
can be configured for up to 115200bps. It might not have a FIFO, but it
supports streaming, so you should be able to connect it to your own

Reply by Mark McDougall November 17, 20052005-11-17 wrote:

> We are working on a proect using NIOS which needs to talk to the PC > Via a serial port, However we found that the core supplied by AILTERA > seems to work at slow speed only even the core is runing at 50mhz, it > seems that it cannot run faster than 2400baud, Any body has silmiar > problems? We are trying a UART with FIFO but still struggling with > it.
You could try using the opencores 16550. Having a wishbone interface it wraps nicely into a SOPC component... Regards, Mark
Reply by Tim Wescott November 17, 20052005-11-17 wrote:

> We are working on a proect using NIOS which needs to talk to the PC Via > a serial port, However we found that the core supplied by AILTERA seems > to work at slow speed only even the core is runing at 50mhz, it seems > that it cannot run faster than 2400baud, Any body has silmiar problems? > We are trying a UART with FIFO but still struggling with it. > > Any ideas/ suggestion? >
UARTs are easy. These work at 19.2k on a Spartan 2e clocked at 24MHz, IIRC. If you want FIFOs and all that fancy stuff you'll have to add them -- these are just basic UARTs that expect to be backed up by logic that's just sitting around waiting for a job to do. I'm a beginner at verilog design; apparently that means that I had trouble remembering how to make comments... /********************************************************************** asyncSer.v Description: Various handy utility modules. **********************************************************************/ `define IDLE_BIT 0 `define START_BIT 1 `define DATA_BIT 2 `define STOP_BIT 3 module asyncTx(clock, reset, data, write, txd, rts, empty); parameter baudDiv = 11'd1280; input clock; input reset; input [7:0] data; input write; output reg txd; output reg rts; output reg empty; reg [7:0] shift; reg [2:0] count; reg [1:0] state; reg [10:0] baud; always @ (state) empty = state == `IDLE_BIT; always @ (posedge reset or posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin rts <= 0; txd <= 1; empty <= 1; state <= `IDLE_BIT; baud <= baudDiv - 1; end else begin if (state != `IDLE_BIT) baud <= baud ? baud - 1 : baudDiv - 1; case (state) `IDLE_BIT: if (write) begin state <= `START_BIT; shift <= data; count <= 7; end `START_BIT: if (!baud) begin txd <= 0; state <= `DATA_BIT; end `DATA_BIT: if (!baud) begin txd <= shift[0]; shift <= {1'bx, shift[7:1]}; count <= count - 1; if (!count) begin state <= `STOP_BIT; end end `STOP_BIT: if (!baud) begin txd <= 1; state <= `IDLE_BIT; end endcase end end endmodule module asyncRx(clock, reset, rxd, read, data, frameError, overflow, ready); parameter baudDiv = 7'd80; input clock; input reset; input rxd; input read; output reg [7:0] data; output reg frameError; output reg overflow; output wire ready; reg intReady; reg [2:0] rxdBuff; // shift register to prevent metastability reg [2:0] count; // bit count (0-7) reg [1:0] state; // receiver state reg [6:0] baud; // baud rate * 16 register reg [3:0] subBaud; // baud rate reg wire rxdBit; assign rxdBit = rxdBuff[2]; assign ready = intReady; always @ (posedge reset or posedge clock) if (reset) begin state <= `IDLE_BIT; rxdBuff <= 0; data <= 0; count <= 7; baud <= baudDiv - 1; subBaud <= 15; overflow <= 0; intReady <= 0; frameError <= 0; end else begin rxdBuff <= {rxdBuff[1:0], rxd}; // shift for metastability prevention if (baud) baud <= baud - 1; else begin baud <= baudDiv - 1; if (state != `IDLE_BIT) subBaud <= subBaud - 1; end if (read && intReady) begin intReady <= 0; frameError <= 0; overflow <= 0; end case (state) `IDLE_BIT: if (!rxdBit) begin state <= `START_BIT; subBaud <= 15; end `START_BIT: begin if (!baud && subBaud == 8) begin if (rxdBit) begin overflow <= intReady; if (!intReady) intReady <= 1; frameError <= 1; state <= `IDLE_BIT; end end if (!baud && subBaud == 0) begin state <= `DATA_BIT; count <= 7; end end `DATA_BIT: begin if (!baud && subBaud == 8) begin data <= {!rxdBit, data[7:1]}; end if (!baud && subBaud == 0) begin if (count == 0) begin state <= `STOP_BIT; end count <= count - 1; end end `STOP_BIT: begin if (!baud && subBaud == 8) begin if (!rxdBit) begin frameError <= 1; state <= `IDLE_BIT; end overflow <= intReady; if (!intReady) intReady <= 1; end if (!baud && subBaud == 0) begin state <= `IDLE_BIT; end end endcase end endmodule /********************************************************************** $Log: asyncSer.v,v $ Revision 1.6 2005/02/15 18:52:26 Tim Make transmission start immediately instead of on a bit boundary Revision 1.5 2005/02/15 00:32:44 Tim Add asynchronous receive capability Revision 1.4 2004/11/30 22:51:58 Tim Make baud rate a parameter Revision 1.3 2004/10/19 20:51:36 Tim Add a buffer empty indicator Revision 1.2 2004/08/29 20:16:18 Tim Fix some symbol incompatibility issues Revision 1.1 2004/08/13 19:19:03 Tim Initial revision **********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************** asyncSer_test.v Description: Test various handy utility modules. **********************************************************************/ `timescale 1ns/100ps module async_test_bench; reg clock; reg reset; reg rxd; reg read; wire [7:0] data; wire frameError, overflow, ready; always begin clock <= 0; #20; clock <= 1; #20; end initial begin $display("Starting simulation"); rxd <= 1; reset <= 0; #11; reset <= 1; #11; reset <= 0; // simulate a framing error in the start bit #100 rxd <= 0; #300 rxd <= 1; // simulate a good byte #50000 rxd <= 0; #200000 rxd <= 1; // simulate a framing error in the stop bit #400000 rxd <= 0; #550000 rxd <= 1; end asyncRx inPort( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .rxd(rxd), .read(read), .data(data), .frameError(frameError), .overflow(overflow), .ready(ready) ); always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) begin if (reset) read <= 0; else begin read <= ready && !read; end end endmodule /********************************************************************** $Log: asyncSer_test.v,v $ Revision 1.1 2005/02/04 22:14:58 Tim Initial revision **********************************************************************/ ########################################################################## # # # # $Id:,v 1.1 2005/02/07 18:50:14 Tim Exp $ # $Author: Tim $ # $Date: 2005/02/07 18:50:14 $ # $Name: $ # $Revision: 1.1 $ # # Description: # # Modelsim script for async debugging # ########################################################################## vsim async_test_bench restart -f onerror {resume} quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/clock add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/reset add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/rxd add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/read add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/data add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/frameError add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/overflow add wave -noupdate -format Logic /async_test_bench/ready add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /async_test_bench/inPort/rxdBuff add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /async_test_bench/inPort/count add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /async_test_bench/inPort/state add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /async_test_bench/inPort/baud add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /async_test_bench/inPort/subBaud run 5.0ms ########################################################################## # # $Log:,v $ # Revision 1.1 2005/02/07 18:50:14 Tim # Initial revision # # Revision 1.3 2004/12/23 19:24:03 Tim # Make changes to match main-line async code # # Revision 1.2 2004/12/14 19:58:35 Tim # test 8-bit output debug_av.v # # Revision 1.1 2004/12/14 17:35:58 Tim # Initial revision # ########################################################################## -- Tim Wescott Wescott Design Services
Reply by November 17, 20052005-11-17
We are working on a proect using NIOS which needs to talk to the PC Via
a serial port, However we found that the core supplied by AILTERA seems
to work at slow speed only even the core is runing at 50mhz, it seems
that it cannot run faster than 2400baud, Any body has silmiar problems?
We are trying a UART with FIFO but still struggling with it.

Any ideas/ suggestion?