Reply by john January 17, 20062006-01-17
I interfaced a USB 8 bit data bus with a CPLD. I made a 48 bit buffer (

ser_buff ). I am loading the buffer at each falling edge of the USB
clock. and then copying it into another 48 bit buffer ( Temp ) and the
serially ouputting the Temp buffer in another process running on
different clock. "inc" signal acts as a trigger signal to the other
process to start parallel to serial conversion.

The problem is that I am not seeing the right data coming out of the
CPLD ( ser_out) port. If kept the USB data to zero but at the ser_out,
I can still see some ones. Please adivce soon.
My code is given below

Process (State)


Data_clk <= DPR_CLK;
ser_clk<= count_A(0);
second_clock<= count_A(0);

Case State is

When G0=>
ser_buff ( 7 downto 0)  <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
Latch_ser_buff  <='0';
nextstate   <=G1;

When G1 =>
ser_buff ( 15 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
inc     <='0';
Latch_ser_buff  <='0';

nextstate       <=G2;

When G2 =>
ser_buff ( 23 downto 16)<= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );

nextstate   <=G3;

When G3 =>
ser_buff ( 31 downto 24)<= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
inc             <='0';
Latch_ser_buff  <='0';

nextstate       <=G4;

When G4 =>
ser_buff ( 39 downto 32)<= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
Latch_ser_buff          <='0';
inc                     <='0';

nextstate               <=G5;

When G5 =>
ser_buff ( 47 downto 40)<= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
Latch_ser_buff          <='0';
inc                     <='0';

nextstate               <=G6;

When G6 =>

Latch_ser_buff  <='1';
inc             <='0';

nextstate       <=G7;

When G7 =>

Latch_ser_buff  <='0';
inc             <='1';

nextstate       <=G7;

When others =>

nextstate       <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK, Reset_USB )

If(  Reset_USB  = '1'   OR   Second_DPR_Reset = '1')    Then

LED_RESET_USB   <= '1';
State           <=  G0;

 Else If( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')   Then

LED_RESET_USB   <= '0';
State    <= nextstate;
End If;
End If;

If( USB_CLK 'Event And  USB_CLK = '0'   )   Then

If   (Latch_ser_buff    = '0'   )   Then

Temp    <= (others => '0');

Else If   (Latch_ser_buff= '1'  )   Then

Temp<=  ser_buff;

End If;
End If;

End If;
End Process;

Process ( DPR_CLK, Reset_DPR, inc )

If(   Reset_DPR = '1'   OR Second_DPR_Reset = '1')Then

--count_A  <= "00000";

Else If (DPR_CLK 'event And DPR_CLK='1')Then

If  (  inc='1'  And P2S_counter         /=      "110000")Then

Tag     <='0';
LED_RESET_DPR   <='0';
P2S_counter     <=P2S_counter                + 1;
ser_out <= Temp              ( to_integer( P2S_counter ) )   ;

End If;
End If;
End If;

If (DPR_CLK 'eventAnd   DPR_CLK =       '1' )   Then

If  ( P2S_counter ="110000" ) Then

Second_DPR_Reset<= '1';

Second_DPR_Reset<= '0';
End If;
End If;

If ( DPR_CLK 'event And  DPR_CLK='1' )  Then

count_A<= count_A + 1;
End If; 
End Process;