Reply by 嚴子清 July 22, 20222022-07-22 在 2022年2月1日 星期二凌晨12:35:02 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:
> Hello guys, I am student at high school interested in VHDL programming and post quantum algorithms. I have a code where algorithm is divided to three parts. Each part is a component. I would like to create another component, which will put input to one of those three components, this component will create output, this will be input to the third component and this one will create final output. Could you please help me with it ? If so, contact me please. I will provide you with all the code I have and we can discuss the solution. Thank you very much.
HI , In order to connect components together, two things must be done. First, component declaration Second, useing PortMap syntax to connect the components Example:Below is a Frequency divider circuit which can divide frequency from 10MHz to 1Hz by using seven components(div_10) ... ARCHITECTURE A OF FREQUENCY_DIVIDER IS --component declaration COMPONENT DIV_10 PORT( CLK_IN : IN STD_LOGIC; CLK_OUT : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; SIGNAL CP : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ; BEGIN --connect components togather using "PORT MAP" U0: div_10 PORT MAP (CLK_10MHz, CP(1)); --1MHz U1: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(1), CP(2)); --100KHz U2: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(2), CP(3)); --10KHz U3: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(3), CP(4)); --1KHz U4: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(4), CP(5)); --100Hz U5: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(5), CP(6)); --10Hz U6: div_10 PORT MAP (CP(6), CP(7)); --1Hz
Reply by Durko Rurko January 31, 20222022-01-31
Hello guys, I am student at high school interested in VHDL programming and =
post quantum algorithms. I have a code where algorithm is divided to three =
parts. Each part is a component. I would like to create another component, =
which will put input to one of those three components, this component will =
create output, this will be input to the third component and this one will =
create final output. Could you please help me with it ? If so, contact me p=
lease. I will provide you with all the code I have and we can discuss the s=
olution. Thank you very much.