Reply by vlir_c8 May 14, 20062006-05-14
Hello everyboby, 

My name is Giovanny

I am working with two types of xtreme dsp Development cards: Kit virtexII
( xc2v3000) and virtex II
PRO (xc2vp30) ;
I am trying to implement the example "16 QAM demodulator for Software
Defined Radio" running  sysgenqam16_dplr.mdl file in simulink ;I have
been using  the tool "system generator"  for generating VHDL code ,
but I have realized that  I need  add source
sysgenqam16_dplr_clk_wrapper.ucf ( I have looked for these files .ucf
in the CD xtreme dsp, but I have not found them) and thus to be able
to generate sysgenqam16_dplr_clk_wrapper.bit to load it in the card
with FUSE tool ;I know that "sysgenqam16_dplr_clk_wrapper.bit" file is
on CD,but I would like to make the process "Generate Programming File"
 for implementing of the project

Can Someone help me???, If somebody of you has these files
sysgenqam16_dplr_clk_wrapper.ucf for this types xtreme dsp Development
cards could send them please to my mail ???

Thanks a lot
