Reply by Roland May 25, 20062006-05-25
Antti wrote:
> after is only simulation > you must use some clocked process from some clock to generate the > required timing
Thanx, I'll try that! - R.
Reply by Antti May 25, 20062006-05-25
after is only simulation
you must use some clocked process from some clock to generate the
required timing

Reply by Roland May 25, 20062006-05-25

I have a question regarding the VHDL's "after" keyword. I've read that 
it is not synthesizable but only used for simulation and I was wondering 
if this is true for real-world programs. I'm working with Xilinx 
Spartan-2 (so it's Xilinx's systhesizer in question) and I've connected 
a soft processor to an external memory chip via my VHDL memory 
controller but the design isn't working if I deselect CS at the end of a 
cycle. I attempted to create delays using afters, ie. "CS <= '0' after 
12ns;", but that doesn't seem to be working. I could be I misinterpreted 
the memory's datasheet but these afters are bugging me.

So, will a statement like "CS <= '0' after 12ns;" cause 12ns delay in 
the FPGA circutry or not? And if not, how could I create a delay?


- R.