Reply by Walter Dvorak August 11, 20072007-08-11
Bart van Deenen <bart@vandeenensupport-com.invalid> wrote:
> I've told ISE to Locate the bram at X0Y0, and from the FPGA Editor i can > see that this works. It has implemented a BRAMB16BWE at site > RAMB16_X0_Y0
it's not necessary to locate the BRAM on a fix position in the design for a fast data2mem update cycle. All you have to do is to anaylze, copy and adapt the design flow from the EDK for your own softcore or your own BRAM usage. To do so you don't need EDK, all the tools like data2mem are part of ISE. newest picoblaze (KCPSM3) use it's own design tool like pb_bmm.exe to get the BRAM-location information from the placed design, but this pb_bmm tool is not useable in a general way. (maybe Ken Chapman wasn't aware of the EDK design flow?) I. for the HDL synthesis: 1. generate a myfile.bmm (ascii textfile) without any location information as a template for ngdbuild. This .bmm file describe the data/address width of the BRAM, the number of BRAMs in your design, the component names, etc.. See the example at the end of this message [1]. 2. use the -bm switch from ngdbuild to "integrate" this bmm template in the designflow. (first you have to synthesis your design using XST, Synplify or whatever) 3. just run map/par/bitgen as usual. bitgen will notice the "bmm-marker attribute" and output automagic an annotated BMM file "myfile_bd.bmm" with the correct BRAM location information (PLACED = X?Y?). The add on part "_bm" in the filename is hard coded in the xilinx tools (ugs!). II. for the software design: 1. run your compiler/assembler/linker (whatever) as usual. The output should be a standard intel-hex file (or a binary file). 2. use common tools like s_record (s_cat) to convert the intel hex or binary file from the compiler to the mem data format, which can be read by data2mem. data2mem can read elf files too, but i would not suggest to do so. The "xilinx mem" file format is just a verilog mem (vmem) format, very simple, take a look in the srecord docu. the conversion could be a command like: $ srec_cat rom.hex -Intel -o rom.mem -vmem 8 (remark: for picoblaze you don't need srecord, because the picoblaze-3 assembler outputs a *.mem file) III. The final step: The final step is to use data2mem + the *.mem file from the compiler + the *_bd.bmm file from the synthesis path to "inject" the BRAM content in the final bitfile on the correct positions. data2mem will split the datafile according to the BMM description and will do all the bit level work. This could be done like: $ data2mem -bm myfile_bd.bmm -bt design.bit -bd rom.mem -o b final.bit the final.bit can now be loaded direct to the FPGA or could be input to promgen/impact to generate a prom file. for simulation you can use data2mem to generate a vhdl-package with "-o h final.vhd" - see the xilinx documentation. (which is in details not complete and not always very accurate. Ths commandline switch --help or -h outputs very often more information than the PDF documentation for the xilinx toolchain - ISE9.1.3 ) If you change your software you have only to do a recompile (II.) and repeat the final step (III.) which is very fast. [1] example myfile.bmm template, for ngdbuild input: ADDRESS_MAP mymap PPC405 0 // PPC405 is just a dummy ADDRESS_SPACE rom COMBINED [0x00000000:0x000007FF] ADDRESS_RANGE RAMB16 BUS_BLOCK my_softcore/my_rom_component/BRAM_01 [3:0]; my_softcore/my_rom_component/BRAM_02 [7:4]; END_BUS_BLOCK; END_ADDRESS_RANGE; END_ADDRESS_SPACE; END_ADDRESS_MAP; you have to modify the BRAM_layout and the BRAM component names (path from the top of the HDL design) The address space must match the correct BRAM length. The rest, like "mymap" is just a dummy. You can choose any name. bitgen will output a *_bm.bmm file with the location information from the placing process. For example: ADDRESS_MAP mymap PPC405 0 ADDRESS_SPACE rom COMBINED [0x00000000:0x000007FF] ADDRESS_RANGE RAMB16 BUS_BLOCK my_softcore/my_rom_component/BRAM_01 [3:0] PLACED = X0Y1; my_softcore/my_rom_component/BRAM_02 [7:4] PLACED = X1Y2; END_BUS_BLOCK; END_ADDRESS_RANGE; END_ADDRESS_SPACE; END_ADDRESS_MAP; Remark: for picoblaze you will have only one BRAM in your *.bmm file. With a databus width of 18 bits [17:0] and a address range from [0x00000000:0x000003FF] hope this help's a little bit, WD --
Reply by Bart van Deenen August 9, 20072007-08-09
I got it!!!!

xilinx answer database nr 21460 helped me. The correct bmm file is

                top/ram/program_rom/ram_1024_x_18_1 [17:0] LOC = X0Y0;

It's probably the INDEX_ADDRESSING tag, but I don't really care, I'm in
business now. I'll figure out the fine details later.

I'm a really experienced programmer and electronics designer, but this
journey into fpga land is steep!!! I love it :-)

Reply by Bart van Deenen August 9, 20072007-08-09
svenand <> wrote:
> See my blog:
Hi Sven thanks for the great series. Unfortunately I only have the ISE environment, and I don't (think I) have the simgen tool. What surprises me most is the error message that the code segment occupies from 0x0 to 0x9ff, whereas the mem file is really only 1024 lines of data, each being 5 nibbles, line# 1 @00000000 2 00000 3 2E004 4 2C080 ... 1025 340FD That is funny, the 0xA00 is the number of bytes in the 1024 lines of 20 bits. So it doesn't realize those things are 18 bit words! I hope someone comes up with the answer. Thanks for thinking with me. Bart
Reply by Bart van Deenen August 9, 20072007-08-09

here is the start and end of the mem file

1     @00000000
2     00000
3     2E004
4     2C080
1025  340FD

I presume the first nibble of the 5 is the 2 bit parity, at least it
only has values 0,1,2 and 3. So this is an 18 bit data file. So how come
the FPGA editor shows that it's a RAMB16BWE block?

Getting confused by now :-)

Bart (poster original question)

Reply by svenand August 9, 20072007-08-09
I don't know if this helps but I used Simgen to generate the bmm file
for MicroBlaze.
See my blog:


Reply by Bart van Deenen August 9, 20072007-08-09
I'm a newbie in fpga design, and am really struggling to create a bmm
file that works. I am using an Spartan-3A starter kit, with ISE 9.2.0i
on Linux. I am working with the dna reader project, and am capable of
downloading the design, as well as modifying the assembly program
(dna_ctrl.psm), and updating it via the whole "implement design" route.

I'm really interested in the direct modification of the bit file via
data2mem because it promises much faster turnaround times when updating
the picoblaze program, but I'm stuck with the bmm file generation. 

I've told ISE to Locate the bram at X0Y0, and from the FPGA Editor i can
see that this works. It has implemented a BRAMB16BWE at site

I've created a file my.bmm with these contents: 

ADDRESS_SPACE ram RAMB16 [0x0000:0x07FF] 
    BUS_BLOCK top/ram/program_rom/ ram_1024_x_18_1 [7:0] LOC = X0Y0;

which seems to be syntactically correct and has the correct number of
bits (16kb) 

When I try to merge the file with the mem file from kcpsm3.exe I get an

data2mem -bm my.bmm -bd dna_ctrl.mem -bt reading_dna.bit -o b new.bit 

ERROR:Data2MEM:31 - Out of bounds code segment for ram space in
  Memory space 'ram' occupies [0x00000000:0x000007FF] 
  Code segment #0 occupies [0x00000000:0x000009FF] 

This same assembly file is assembled into dna_ctrl.vhd which is
correctly built into the final bitfile. 

So what am I doing wrong? Any help would be highly appreciated! 
