Reply by Symon February 13, 20082008-02-13
Hi Peter,

"The array size is between 8 Mb and 79 Mb (1 to 10 MB),"
When your photo was taken, 15 years ago*, was when I started work on a new 
design using brand new XC4000 series parts. My PC's hard disk was 10MB!

That's a nice article, one that I planning on linking to!

Cheers, Syms.

* Also, I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour 
before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours 
a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when 
we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our 
graves singing Hallelujah. 

Reply by February 13, 20082008-02-13

Thanks Peter

Its an almost effortless, easy read, but still informative, a
translation from xilinx to English, LOL,, well done that man

Well I for one intend to keep a copy of it.
Reply by Peter Alfke February 13, 20082008-02-13
If you want to get a feel for what you can do with Virtex-5, click on;jsessionid=S30OVRH051RUYQSNDLPCKH0CJUNN2JVN

This was a labor of love.
Something like it should have been written ten years ago,
but: "Better late than never".
Hope you like it, and can draw some benefit from it.
Please don't hesitate to post or send me comments of any kind.
Anything good can always be improved!
(BTW, I have 30 patents, not 4. And the picture is 15 years old.
Residual vanity...)
Peter Alfke, Xilinx