Reply by Mike Treseler April 30, 20082008-04-30 wrote:

> Question: > who to trust? should I trust co-sim or should I trust the VHDL > simulator (modelsim)?
I would trust modelsim. Send your code to Celoxica. -- Mike Treseler
Reply by April 30, 20082008-04-30
  has anybody tried using co-sim for Handel C with modelsim? I managed
to set up the co-sim environment, and got the handel C code to work
with my EDK generated microblaze environment (in VHDL). In short, I am
using handel C to build a peripheral which i attached to microblaze
via the FSL bus.
   The simulation works ok when I used Handel-C + VHDL using the cosim
manager provided by PDK. However, when I used Handel C DK to generate
the VHDL equivalent of the original handel C design, and then re-
simulate, the results are now different.
    The data results which i get from the re-generated core in VHDL is
different from the one which I get when i use PDK's co-sim manager to
interface between microblaze (in VHDL) + the peripheral (in Handel-

who to trust? should I trust co-sim or should I trust the VHDL
simulator (modelsim)?

any takers on this?
