Reply by argee June 15, 20092009-06-15
janigav wrote:
> Hi. I'm trying to communicate a Spartan 3e starter kit revision D > whit a PC via ethernet using Microblaze and EDK 10.1, but i don't > know how to use the ethernet IP EMAClite. If anyone have an example > or documentation about it, would be very helpful.
I suggest you first open the System Assembly View, right-click on the MAC core and open the PDF DataSheet and the API documentation and go through these. Then you can start browsing your EDK installation folder and should be able to find example applications for the core somewhere. You may also want to check out lwip if you need TCP/IP. HTH, RG
Reply by janigav June 15, 20092009-06-15
I'm trying to communicate a Spartan 3e starter kit revision D whit a PC
via ethernet using Microblaze and EDK 10.1, but i don't know how to use the
ethernet   IP EMAClite. If anyone have an example or documentation about
it, would be very helpful.

Thank you.
