
Yossi Kreinin (@yosefk)

I work on chip architecture (accelerator cores, system-level stuff) and software tools (compilers, simulators, debuggers, profilers, viewers/editors, etc.) My other writing is at yosefk.com. My open-source project that you could actually find useful is checkedthreads, which pinpoints all the races in your parallel C/C++ programs.

How FPGAs work, and why you'll buy one

Yossi Kreinin June 20, 201315 comments

Today, pretty much everyone has a CPU, a DSP and a GPU, buried somewhere in their PC, phone, car, etc. Most don't know or care that they bought any of these, but they did.

Will everyone, at some future point, also buy an FPGA? The market size of FPGAs today is about 1% of the annual global semiconductor sales (~$3B vs ~$300B). Will FPGA eventually...

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