
Excess 3 Adder: Add 2 three digits numbers in excess 3.

Started by Virulog_X December 14, 2022
Excess 3 Adder: Add 2 three digits numbers in excess 3.
ex. 998+345 in excess 3.

i don't have any idea on how to continue, please help.
thx !

module Decimal_to_E3(input[10:0] dec, output reg[15:0] E3);
reg[10:0] aux;
reg[1:0] counter;
always @ (dec) begin
aux = dec;
E3 = {4{4'b0011}};
counter = 2'b00;
while(aux != 0) begin
E3[counter * 4 +: 4] = aux % 10 + 3;
aux = aux / 10;
counter = counter + 1;


module E3_Adder(input [11:0] in_1, in_2,
output [15:0] out_1);

PA v1(in_1[3:0],in_2[3:0], out_1[3:0], cout);
//how do i continue ????


module PA(a,b,sum,cout);
input [3:0]a, b;
output cout;
output [3:0]sum;
wire c0,c1,c2;
HA u1(a[0], b[0], sum[0], c0);
FA u2(a[1], b[1], c0, sum[1], c1);
FA u3(a[2], b[2], c1, sum[2], c2);
FA u4(a[3], b[3], c2, sum[3], cout);

module FA(a, b, cin, sum, carry);
input a, b, cin;
output sum, carry;
wire sum, carry;
assign sum = a^b^cin;//sum bit
assign carry = ((a&b) | (b&cin) | (a&cin));//carry bit

module HA(a, b, sum, carry);
input a, b;
output sum, carry;
wire sum, carry;
assign sum = a^b;
assign carry = a&b;

module P_Adder(a,b,sum, cin, cout);
input a

module Decimal_to_E3_tb();
reg[10:0] dec_tb;
wire[15:0] E3_tb;

Decimal_to_E3 DUT(.dec(dec_tb), .E3(E3_tb));
initial begin
for(dec_tb = 0; dec_tb <= 2000; dec_tb = dec_tb + 1) begin
$display("For value = %d, the output is = %0X", dec_tb, E3_tb);

Arhitectura lui E3_Adder_tb este:
______________________________ ________________________
| | | |
test_input_1 --.------>|>dec E3>|---in_1_tb---->|>in_1 |
| | Decimal_to_E3 | | |
| |_____________________________| | | ___________
| | E3_Adder | | |
| ______________________________ | [DUT] out_1>|----out_1_tb_actual-------------------------------->| |
| | | | | | |
test_input_2 - ( --.-->|>dec E3>|---in_2_tb---->|>in_2 | | |
| | | Decimal_to_E3 | | | | |
| | |_____________________________| |________________________| | |
| | _________ ______________________________ | Comparare |----REZULTAT_TEST------->
| |---------------------test_input_2-------->| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | + |-----test_output_1--->|>dec E3>|---out_1_tb_exp---->| |
| | | | Decimal_to_E3 | | |
|-------------------------test_input_1-------->|_________| |______________________________| |___________|
module E3_Adder_tb();
Urmatorii parametrii ai testului pot fi modificati:
DISPLAY_ALL: 0 sau 1. Daca DISPLAY_ALL este 1, atunci mai multe detalii despre fiecare test vor fi afisate pe ecran.
Altfel, doar rezultatul testului va fi tiparit, cu diferenta dintre rezultatul corect si cel caclulat de E3_Adder, in cazul in care difera.
DISPLAY_FAILED: 0 sau 1. Daca DISPLAY_FAILED este 1, atunci doar testele failed vor fi afisate pe ecran. Altfel, si rezultatele passed se vor afisa.
NAX_VAL_in1: Valoarea maxima la care poate ajunge intrarea in_1, exprimata in decimal.
MAX_VAL_in2: Valoarea maxima la care poate ajunge intrare in_2, exprimata in decimal.
Testul va lua toate perechile de (in_1, in_2) din intervalul MAX_VAL_in1 X MAX_VAL_in2 si va compara rezultatul obtinut de E3_Adder cu cel corect

IMPORTANT: Nota pentru testbenchul public va fi acordata pentru testele care ruleaza cu MAX_VAL_in1 = 500 si MAX_VAL_in2 = 500

wire[11:0] in_1_tb, in_2_tb;
reg[10:0] test_input_1, test_input_2, test_output_1;
wire[15:0] out_1_tb_actual, out_1_tb_exp;

reg[10:0] MAX_VAL_in1, MAX_VAL_in2;
integer n_tests_passed, n_tests_total;
/* Modul ajutator de convertire din decimal in E3 */
Decimal_to_E3 convert_input_1(.dec(test_input_1), .E3(in_1_tb));
Decimal_to_E3 convert_input_2(.dec(test_input_2), .E3(in_2_tb));
Decimal_to_E3 convert_output_1(.dec(test_output_1), .E3(out_1_tb_exp));

/* Modulul testat */
E3_Adder DUT(.in_1(in_1_tb), .in_2(in_2_tb), .out_1(out_1_tb_actual));

initial begin
/* parametrii configurabili */
MAX_VAL_in1 = 11'd500;
MAX_VAL_in2 = 11'd500;
/* ======================== */
n_tests_total = (MAX_VAL_in1 + 1) * (MAX_VAL_in2 + 1);
n_tests_passed = 0;
if(MAX_VAL_in1 > 999 || MAX_VAL_in2 > 999) begin
$display("[WARNING] Testul nu va functiona cum trebuie! Valorile maxime NU trebuie sa fie mai mari de 999");
for(test_input_1 = 0; test_input_1 <= MAX_VAL_in1; test_input_1 = test_input_1 + 1) begin
for(test_input_2 = 0; test_input_2 <= MAX_VAL_in2; test_input_2 = test_input_2 + 1) begin
test_output_1 = test_input_1 + test_input_2;
$display("Test nr: %d", test_input_1 * (MAX_VAL_in2 + 1) + test_input_2 + 1);
if(DISPLAY_ALL == 1'b1) begin
$display("Pentru urmatoarele intrari:\nin_1(decimal) = %d, in_1(E3) = %b \nin_2(decimal) = %d, in_2(E3) = %b \n", test_input_1, in_1_tb, test_input_2, in_2_tb);
$display("Rezultatul asteptat: out_1(decimal) = %d, out_1(E3) = %b", test_output_1, out_1_tb_exp);
$display("Rezultatul obtinut: out_1(E3) = %b", out_1_tb_actual);
if(out_1_tb_exp == out_1_tb_actual) begin
if(DISPLAY_ONLY_FAILED == 0) begin
$display("Testul este PASSED");
n_tests_passed = n_tests_passed + 1;
else begin
$display("Testul este FAILED");
$display("EXP E3: %b_%b_%b_%b =/= ACTUAL E3: %b_%b_%b_%b", out_1_tb_exp[15:12], out_1_tb_exp[11:8], out_1_tb_exp[7:4], out_1_tb_exp[3:0], out_1_tb_actual[15:12], out_1_tb_actual[11:8], out_1_tb_actual[7:4], out_1_tb_actual[3:0]);
$display("Teste passed: %d / %d", n_tests_passed, n_tests_total);
On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 8:49:14 AM UTC-4, Virulog_X wrote:
> Excess 3 Adder: Add 2 three digits numbers in excess 3. > ex. 998+345 in excess 3. > > i don't have any idea on how to continue, please help. > thx ! > > module Decimal_to_E3(input[10:0] dec, output reg[15:0] E3); > reg[10:0] aux; > reg[1:0] counter; > always @ (dec) begin > aux = dec; > E3 = {4{4'b0011}}; > counter = 2'b00; > while(aux != 0) begin > E3[counter * 4 +: 4] = aux % 10 + 3; > aux = aux / 10; > counter = counter + 1; > end > end > endmodule > > > //E3_Adder > > module E3_Adder(input [11:0] in_1, in_2, > output [15:0] out_1); > > PA v1(in_1[3:0],in_2[3:0], out_1[3:0], cout); > //how do i continue ???? > > endmodule > > > > module PA(a,b,sum,cout); > input [3:0]a, b; > output cout; > output [3:0]sum; > wire c0,c1,c2; > HA u1(a[0], b[0], sum[0], c0); > FA u2(a[1], b[1], c0, sum[1], c1); > FA u3(a[2], b[2], c1, sum[2], c2); > FA u4(a[3], b[3], c2, sum[3], cout); > endmodule > > > > module FA(a, b, cin, sum, carry); > input a, b, cin; > output sum, carry; > wire sum, carry; > assign sum = a^b^cin;//sum bit > assign carry = ((a&b) | (b&cin) | (a&cin));//carry bit > endmodule > > > module HA(a, b, sum, carry); > input a, b; > output sum, carry; > wire sum, carry; > assign sum = a^b; > assign carry = a&b; > endmodule > > > /* > module P_Adder(a,b,sum, cin, cout); > input a > */ > > > module Decimal_to_E3_tb(); > reg[10:0] dec_tb; > wire[15:0] E3_tb; > > Decimal_to_E3 DUT(.dec(dec_tb), .E3(E3_tb)); > initial begin > for(dec_tb = 0; dec_tb <= 2000; dec_tb = dec_tb + 1) begin > #1; > $display("For value = %d, the output is = %0X", dec_tb, E3_tb); > end > end > endmodule > > /* > Arhitectura lui E3_Adder_tb este: > ______________________________ ________________________ > | | | | > test_input_1 --.------>|>dec E3>|---in_1_tb---->|>in_1 | > | | Decimal_to_E3 | | | > | |_____________________________| | | ___________ > | | E3_Adder | | | > | ______________________________ | [DUT] out_1>|----out_1_tb_actual-------------------------------->| | > | | | | | | | > test_input_2 - ( --.-->|>dec E3>|---in_2_tb---->|>in_2 | | | > | | | Decimal_to_E3 | | | | | > | | |_____________________________| |________________________| | | > | | _________ ______________________________ | Comparare |----REZULTAT_TEST-------> > | |---------------------test_input_2-------->| | | | | | > | | | | | | | > | | + |-----test_output_1--->|>dec E3>|---out_1_tb_exp---->| | > | | | | Decimal_to_E3 | | | > |-------------------------test_input_1-------->|_________| |______________________________| |___________| > */ > module E3_Adder_tb(); > /* > Urmatorii parametrii ai testului pot fi modificati: > DISPLAY_ALL: 0 sau 1. Daca DISPLAY_ALL este 1, atunci mai multe detalii despre fiecare test vor fi afisate pe ecran. > Altfel, doar rezultatul testului va fi tiparit, cu diferenta dintre rezultatul corect si cel caclulat de E3_Adder, in cazul in care difera. > DISPLAY_FAILED: 0 sau 1. Daca DISPLAY_FAILED este 1, atunci doar testele failed vor fi afisate pe ecran. Altfel, si rezultatele passed se vor afisa. > NAX_VAL_in1: Valoarea maxima la care poate ajunge intrarea in_1, exprimata in decimal. > MAX_VAL_in2: Valoarea maxima la care poate ajunge intrare in_2, exprimata in decimal. > Testul va lua toate perechile de (in_1, in_2) din intervalul MAX_VAL_in1 X MAX_VAL_in2 si va compara rezultatul obtinut de E3_Adder cu cel corect > > IMPORTANT: Nota pentru testbenchul public va fi acordata pentru testele care ruleaza cu MAX_VAL_in1 = 500 si MAX_VAL_in2 = 500 > */ > > wire[11:0] in_1_tb, in_2_tb; > reg[10:0] test_input_1, test_input_2, test_output_1; > wire[15:0] out_1_tb_actual, out_1_tb_exp; > > > reg[10:0] MAX_VAL_in1, MAX_VAL_in2; > reg DISPLAY_ALL, DISPLAY_ONLY_FAILED; > integer n_tests_passed, n_tests_total; > /* Modul ajutator de convertire din decimal in E3 */ > Decimal_to_E3 convert_input_1(.dec(test_input_1), .E3(in_1_tb)); > Decimal_to_E3 convert_input_2(.dec(test_input_2), .E3(in_2_tb)); > Decimal_to_E3 convert_output_1(.dec(test_output_1), .E3(out_1_tb_exp)); > > /* Modulul testat */ > E3_Adder DUT(.in_1(in_1_tb), .in_2(in_2_tb), .out_1(out_1_tb_actual)); > > initial begin > /* parametrii configurabili */ > DISPLAY_ALL = 1'b1; > DISPLAY_ONLY_FAILED = 1'b1; > MAX_VAL_in1 = 11'd500; > MAX_VAL_in2 = 11'd500; > /* ======================== */ > n_tests_total = (MAX_VAL_in1 + 1) * (MAX_VAL_in2 + 1); > n_tests_passed = 0; > if(MAX_VAL_in1 > 999 || MAX_VAL_in2 > 999) begin > $display("[WARNING] Testul nu va functiona cum trebuie! Valorile maxime NU trebuie sa fie mai mari de 999"); > end > for(test_input_1 = 0; test_input_1 <= MAX_VAL_in1; test_input_1 = test_input_1 + 1) begin > for(test_input_2 = 0; test_input_2 <= MAX_VAL_in2; test_input_2 = test_input_2 + 1) begin > test_output_1 = test_input_1 + test_input_2; > #1; > $display("Test nr: %d", test_input_1 * (MAX_VAL_in2 + 1) + test_input_2 + 1); > if(DISPLAY_ALL == 1'b1) begin > $display("Pentru urmatoarele intrari:\nin_1(decimal) = %d, in_1(E3) = %b \nin_2(decimal) = %d, in_2(E3) = %b \n", test_input_1, in_1_tb, test_input_2, in_2_tb); > $display("Rezultatul asteptat: out_1(decimal) = %d, out_1(E3) = %b", test_output_1, out_1_tb_exp); > $display("Rezultatul obtinut: out_1(E3) = %b", out_1_tb_actual); > end > if(out_1_tb_exp == out_1_tb_actual) begin > if(DISPLAY_ONLY_FAILED == 0) begin > $display("Testul este PASSED"); > end > n_tests_passed = n_tests_passed + 1; > end > else begin > $display("Testul este FAILED"); > $display("EXP E3: %b_%b_%b_%b =/= ACTUAL E3: %b_%b_%b_%b", out_1_tb_exp[15:12], out_1_tb_exp[11:8], out_1_tb_exp[7:4], out_1_tb_exp[3:0], out_1_tb_actual[15:12], out_1_tb_actual[11:8], out_1_tb_actual[7:4], out_1_tb_actual[3:0]); > end > $display("============================================================================================================="); > $display(""); > $display(""); > end > end > $display("Teste passed: %d / %d", n_tests_passed, n_tests_total); > end > endmodule
What is wrong? Does it not work? What do you see? Do you expect people to run your code and find the fault without you looking at it or explaining what it is doing wrong? -- Rick C. - Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging - Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 9:09:36 AM UTC-5, gnuarm.del...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 8:49:14 AM UTC-4, Virulog_X wrote:
> What is wrong? Does it not work? What do you see? > > Do you expect people to run your code and find the fault without you looking at it or explaining what it is doing wrong? >
I think his code is doing exactly what he wrote it to do. "Works as designed" is always true. "Works as intended", well that's another thing. Kevin Jennings