
How to direct download to SRAM on Xilinx Spartan3?

Started by Riccardo Fregonese December 6, 2004

I'm trying to understand something about UART, I've downloaded some IP
cores, some app notes...
But if I'll add to my design a very simple UART, with a little
controller, how can i communicate with that? I downloaded the core
UART from www.opencores.org, can I read/load data from/to it with
Windows Hyperterminal (I have win2000)?
And how?

Here's the miniUART entity

entity miniUART is
  port (
     SysClk   : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock
     Reset    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
     CS_N     : in  Std_Logic;
     RD_N     : in  Std_Logic;
     WR_N     : in  Std_Logic;
     RxD      : in  Std_Logic;
     TxD      : out Std_Logic;
     IntRx_N  : out Std_Logic;  -- Receive interrupt
     IntTx_N  : out Std_Logic;  -- Transmit interrupt
     Addr     : in  Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- 
     DataIn   : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- 
     DataOut  : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); -- 
end entity;
-- Architecture for miniUART Controller Unit
architecture uart of miniUART is
  -- Signals
  signal RxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- 
  signal TxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- 
  signal CSReg  : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Ctrl & status
  --             CSReg detailed 
  -- CSReg(7)|CSReg(6)|CSReg(5)|CSReg(4)|CSReg(3)|CSReg(2)|CSReg(1)|CSReg(0)|
  --   Res   |  Res   |  Res   |  Res   | UndRun | OvrRun |  FErr  | 
OErr  |
  signal EnabRx : Std_Logic;  -- Enable RX unit
  signal EnabTx : Std_Logic;  -- Enable TX unit
  signal DRdy   : Std_Logic;  -- Receive Data ready
  signal TRegE  : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit register empty
  signal TBufE  : Std_Logic;  -- Transmit buffer empty
  signal FErr   : Std_Logic;  -- Frame error
  signal OErr   : Std_Logic;  -- Output error
  signal Read   : Std_Logic;  -- Read receive buffer
  signal Load   : Std_Logic;  -- Load transmit buffer
  -- Baud rate Generator
  component ClkUnit is
   port (
     SysClk   : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock
     EnableRX : out Std_Logic;  -- Control signal
     EnableTX : out Std_Logic;  -- Control signal
     Reset    : in  Std_Logic); -- Reset input
  end component;
  -- Receive Unit
  component RxUnit is
  port (
     Clk    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
     Reset  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
     Enable : in  Std_Logic;  -- Enable input
     RxD    : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data input
     RD     : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read data signal
     FErr   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
     OErr   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
     DRdy   : out Std_Logic;  -- Status signal
     DataIn : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
  end component;
  -- Transmitter Unit
  component TxUnit is
  port (
     Clk    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clock signal
     Reset  : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input
     Enable : in  Std_Logic;  -- Enable input
     Load   : in  Std_Logic;  -- Load transmit data
     TxD    : out Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data output
     TRegE  : out Std_Logic;  -- Tx register empty
     TBufE  : out Std_Logic;  -- Tx buffer empty
     DataO  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
  end component;
  -- Instantiation of internal components
  ClkDiv  : ClkUnit port map (SysClk,EnabRX,EnabTX,Reset); 
  TxDev   : TxUnit port map
  RxDev   : RxUnit port map
  -- Implements the controller for Rx&Tx units
  RSBusCtrl : process(SysClk,Reset,Read,Load)
     variable StatM : Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
     if Rising_Edge(SysClk) then
        if Reset = '0' then
           StatM := "00000";
           IntTx_N <= '1';
           IntRx_N <= '1';
           CSReg <= "11110000";
           StatM(0) := DRdy;
           StatM(1) := FErr;
           StatM(2) := OErr;
           StatM(3) := TBufE;
           StatM(4) := TRegE;
        end if;
        case StatM is
             when "00001" =>
                  IntRx_N <= '0';
                  CSReg(2) <= '1';
             when "10001" =>
                  IntRx_N <= '0';
                  CSReg(2) <= '1';
             when "01000" =>
                  IntTx_N <= '0';
             when "11000" =>
                  IntTx_N <= '0';
                  CSReg(3) <= '1';
             when others => null;
        end case;

        if Read = '1' then
           CSReg(2) <= '0';
           IntRx_N <= '1';
        end if;

        if Load = '1' then
           CSReg(3) <= '0';
           IntTx_N <= '1';
        end if;
     end if;
  end process;
  -- Combinational section
     if (CS_N = '0' and RD_N = '0') then
        Read <= '1';
     else Read <= '0';
     end if;
     if (CS_N = '0' and WR_N = '0') then
        Load <= '1';
     else Load <= '0';
     end if;

     if Read = '0' then
        DataOut <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
     elsif (Read = '1' and Addr = "00") then
        DataOut <= RxData;
     elsif (Read = '1' and Addr = "01") then
        DataOut <= CSReg;
     end if;

     if Load = '0' then
        TxData <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
     elsif (Load = '1' and Addr = "00") then
        TxData <= DataIn;
     end if;
  end process;
end uart; --===================== End of architecture
>I'm trying to understand something about UART, I've downloaded some IP >cores, some app notes... >But if I'll add to my design a very simple UART, with a little >controller, how can i communicate with that? I downloaded the core >UART from www.opencores.org, can I read/load data from/to it with >Windows Hyperterminal (I have win2000)? >And how?
You have to build a FSM that reads characters from the UART and turns that into operations on your SRAM. It would probably be easier to write in software but it shouldn't be too hard a problem to do in real hardware. I assume it would go something like this: You have an address register and a data register. Digiits get shifted into the data register. Octal or hex, your choice. Or use A through J to simplify the hardware. A couple of special characters do reads and writes. For example: A / character copies the data from the data register into the address register does a read cycle sends back the data now in the data register A $ character stores the data register at the currently addressed location. (which was loaded by a / above.) Everything else gets ignored. Or turns on an error LED. To go faster, you can automatically bump the address after each write. -- The suespammers.org mail server is located in California. So are all my other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited commercial e-mail to my suespammers.org address or any of my other addresses. These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.