
How can I see the waveform of my verilog codes?

Started by mikelinyoho August 22, 2005

I use "Icarus Verilog" as a synthesis and simulation tool.But How can I
see the
waveform of my verilog codes?

thank you
may goodness be with you all

mikelinyoho wrote:
> Regards: > > I use "Icarus Verilog" as a synthesis and simulation tool.But How can I > see the waveform of my verilog codes?
I suppose you didn't read the Icarus Verilog FAQ: http://www.icarus.com/eda/verilog/FAQ.html Scroll down to the part where it says: "I want pretty pictures (wave forms) of my simulation run." I further suppose that you could have asked this question in comp.lang.verilog. -a