
Going insane - Xilinx VGA controller...

Started by pete...@alarmip.com December 22, 2005
Dear Group,

I know how annoying it is when one posts blocks of HDL, but I would
really appreciate someone telling me why this code does not work -- or
at least, a pointer to my stupidity!!!

This HDL is supposed to generate standard -ve syncs plus an early
'newline' signal to a specialised SDRAM controller which writes a
complete line of octets into alternate block-RAMs in my Spartan-3

It then attempts to display them by generating alternate read enables
(based on the current vertical line).

Tomorrow I am going to rewrite the code using discrete processes (one
for each sync signal etc...).

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity VidCont is
    DATA_WIDTH           :     natural := 16;      -- video data width
    VADDR_WIDTH          :     natural := 10       -- Video FIFO
(blockRAM) address width
    -- Interface
    clk                 : in  std_logic;    -- Master clock @25MHz
    rst                 : in  std_logic;    -- Reset
    -- Video blockRAM side
    VIAddr              : out std_logic_vector(VADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- Video line buffer address
    VADIn               : in  std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- Data from 'A' block RAM
    VEnA                : out std_logic;    -- Enable 'A' FIFO
    VBDIn               : in  std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- Data from 'B' block RAM
    VEnB                : out std_logic;    -- Enable 'B' FIFO
    NewLine             : out std_logic;    -- Initiate line read burst
    -- TFT interface
    VRed                : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- 6-bit
    VGreen              : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- 6-bit
    VBlue               : out std_logic_Vector(5 downto 0); -- 6-bit
    VDE                 : out std_logic;    -- Data-enable
    VVSync              : out std_logic;    -- Vertical synch.
    VHSync              : out std_logic;    -- Horizontal synch.
    -- Debug signal...
    Debug               : out std_logic
end VidCont;

architecture arch of VidCont is

  constant YES                :    std_logic := '1';
  constant NO                 :    std_logic := '0';
  constant HI                 :    std_logic := '1';
  constant LO                 :    std_logic := '0';
  constant ONE                :    std_logic := '1';
  constant ZERO               :    std_logic := '0';

  -- TFT timing parameters...
  constant tHP   : natural := 800;      -- Horizontal sync. period
  constant tWH   : natural := 96;       -- Horizontal sync. width
  constant tVP   : natural := 525;      -- Vertical sync. period
  constant tWV   : natural := 2;        -- Vertical sync. width
  constant tHV   : natural := 640;      -- Active horizontal period
  constant tHBP  : natural := tWH+40;   -- End of H back porch (start
of active area)
  constant tHFP  : natural := tHBP+tHV; -- Start of H front porch (end
of active area)
  constant tVV   : natural := 480;      -- Active vertical period
  constant tVBP  : natural := tWV+33;   -- End of V back porch (start
of active area)
  constant tVFP  : natural := tVBP+tVV; -- Start of V front porch (end
of active area)

    -- Horizontal & vertical counters...
    signal hCount_x, hCount_r               : natural range 0 to tHP+1;
 -- Horizontal column count
    signal vCount_x, vCount_r               : natural range 0 to tVP+1;
    -- Address counters...
    signal hAddr_x, hAddr_r                 :
std_logic_vector(VIAddr'range); -- Horizontal address
    -- Data enable flags...
    signal hDEm3_x, hDEm3_r                 : std_logic; -- Early (-3)
horizontal data enable
    signal hDEm2_r                          : std_logic; -- Early (-2)
latched horizontal data enable
    signal hDEm1_r                          : std_logic; -- Early (-1)
latched horizontal data enable
    signal hDE_r                            : std_logic; -- Horizontal
data enable
    signal vDEm2_x, vDEm2_r                 : std_logic; -- Early (-2)
vertical data enable
    signal vDEm1_r                          : std_logic; -- Early (-1)
vertical data enable
    signal vDE_r                            : std_logic; -- Vertical
data enable
    signal nlBurst_x, nlBurst_r             : std_logic; -- Newline
burst strobe
    signal IVEnA_x, IVEnA_r                 : std_logic; -- Block RAM
'A' read enable
    signal IVEnB_x, IVEnB_r                 : std_logic; -- Block RAM
'B' read enable
    -- Syncs...
    signal IVSync_x, IVSync_r               : std_logic; -- Vertical
    signal IHSync_x, IHSync_r               : std_logic; -- Horizontal
    signal AltLine_x, AltLine_r             : std_logic; -- Source
    -- RGB data...
    signal RGB_x, RGB_r                     :
std_logic_vector(VADIn'range); -- Demultiplexed and latched RGB data


  -- Attach signals to outputs...
  VIAddr <= hAddr_r; -- Horizontal address = block RAM address
  VDE <= hDE_r; -- Display enable...
  VRed(5 downto 1) <= RGB_r(15 downto 11);
  VRed(0) <= RGB_r(15);
  VGreen(5 downto 0) <= RGB_r(10 downto 5);
  VBlue(5 downto 1) <= RGB_r(4 downto 0);
  VBlue(0) <= RGB_r(4);
  VHSync <= IHSync_r;
  VVSync <= IVSync_r;
  VEnA <= IVEnA_r;
  VEnB <= IVEnB_r;
  NewLine <= nlBurst_r;
  Debug <= IHSync_r;

  -- Determine next state...
  RGB_x <= VBDIn when AltLine_r = '0' else VADIn; -- Video input mux
  IHSync_x <= LO when hCount_r = (tHP-1) else HI when hCount_r =
(tWH-1) else IHSync_r; -- Hor. sync generation
  IVSync_x <= LO when vCount_r = (tVP-1) else HI when vCount_r =
(tWV-1) else IVSync_r; -- Vert. sync generation
  hCount_x <= 0 when hCount_r = (tHP-1) else hCount_r + 1; -- Hor.
  vCount_x <= 0 when vCount_r = (tVP-1) else vCount_r + 1 when hCount_r
= (tHP-1) else vCount_r; -- Vert. counter
  AltLine_x <= LO when vCount_r = (tVP-1) else not AltLine_r when
hCount_r = (tHP-1) else AltLine_r; -- Alternate line generation
  hDEm3_x <= HI when (hCount_r = (tHBP-1)) and (vDEm2_r = HI) else LO
when hCount_r = (tHFP-1) else hDEm3_r; -- Early horizontal DE
  vDEm2_x <= HI when vCount_r = (tVBP-1) else LO when vCount_r =
(tVFP-1) else vDEm2_r; -- Early vertical DE
  nlBurst_x <= HI when (vDEm1_r = '1') and (hCount_r = (tWH-1)) else
LO; -- BlockRAM fill strobe
  hAddr_x <= hAddr_r + 1 when hDEm2_r = '1' else (others => '0'); --
Keep advancing blockRAM address during active window, else reset
  IVEnA_x <= HI when AltLine_r = '1' else LO;
  IVEnB_x <= HI when AltLine_r = '0' else LO;

  update : process(rst, clk)

    if rst=YES then
       -- Asynchronous reset...
       hAddr_r      <= (others => '0');
       hDEm3_r      <= '0';
       hDEm2_r      <= '0';
       hDEm1_r      <= '0';
       hDE_r        <= '0';
       vDEm1_r      <= '0';
       vDEm2_r      <= '0';
       vDE_r        <= '0';
       nlBurst_r    <= '0';
       IVEnA_r      <= '0';
       IVEnB_r      <= '0';
       IVSync_r     <= '1';
       IHSync_r     <= '1';
       hCount_r     <= 0;
       vCount_r     <= 0;
       AltLine_r    <= '0';
       RGB_r        <= (others => '0');
--    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
    elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
       -- Ripple pipline display enable bits...
       hDEm3_r      <= hDEm3_x;
       hDEm2_r      <= hDEm3_r;
       hDEm1_r      <= hDEm2_r;
       hDE_r        <= hDEm1_r;
       vDEm2_r      <= vDEm2_x;
       vDEm1_r      <= vDEm2_r;
       vDE_r        <= vDEm1_r;
       nlBurst_r    <= nlBurst_x;
       IVEnA_r      <= IVEnA_x;
       IVEnB_r      <= IVEnB_x;
       -- Syncs...
       IHSync_r     <= IHSync_x;
       IVSync_r     <= IVSync_x;
       -- Video data/address...
       hAddr_r      <= hAddr_x; -- Update video RAM address
       RGB_r        <= RGB_x; -- Latch video data
       -- Counters...
       hCount_r     <= hCount_x;
       vCount_r     <= vCount_x;
       AltLine_r    <= AltLine_x;
    end if;

  end process update;

end arch;

Thanks for your patience.


Hi Peter,
It would appear from your VHDL code that you're sending sync signals out of 
your entity that are generated from combinational logic. I would suggest 
that this is BAD.
Look at this line:-

IHSync_x <= LO when hCount_r = (tHP-1) else HI when hCount_r = (tWH-1) else 
IHSync_r; -- Hor. sync generation

The signal IHSync_x is the signal that gets propagated out of the design. 
The problem is that not all of the wires that make up signal hCount_r change 
at exactly the same time. There will be some skew on them. This means that 
IHSync_x could have glitches on it. Not good for a sync signal! Move the 
VHDL line inside the clocked update process. That way, IHSync_x will come 
straight from a FF and will be glitch free.

HTH, Syms.

p.s. I hope the wine is still flowing in Greece? Wish I was there myself, 
it's p-ing down here in Plymouth.

peter.halford@alarmip.com wrote:

>Dear All, > >Many thanks for all your suggestions... > >I have tried dividing my incoming 25MHz clock by 2 and voilla! >everything works, albeit 50% slower... > >So now I guess I will have to divide the incoming clock by 2, multiply >it and re-divide it. > >Any ideas why this could be happening? > >
Doesn't completely fit the symptoms, but is it possible there are reflections on the clock input? What you are doing is not only dividing the clock, but providing a clean clock from WITHIN the FPGA. Of course, you also could have an extremely slow path in the design somewhere, but that would have to be a huge amount of combinatorial logic or maybe some very slow external path like a RAM, to make it work at 12.5 MHz but fail at 25. Jon
Dear Symon,

Today I rewrote the entire module using procedural code and now
everything is working perfectly!!!

It is odd how the code would work for a bit and then stop for another

Anyhow, this is how one learns to make things work...

Many thanks to you and to all who offered help.


PS. It is p-ing down here in torrents!!! Corfu is the greenest island
in Greece for a very good reason!!!