
Nios II & obj copy this Unknown!!!!!

Started by Jjletodoc January 3, 2005
Hi There,

I am an Nios developer , i build toons of project for this excellent
soft-core, now i migrate to Nios II, nothing problem except one!
i need to convert an .out file to binary using nios2-elf-objcopy ...

the line is : nios2-elf-objcopy -O binary xxxx.out xxxxx.bin

well the binary come is bigger than the .out ,, normally is the

i've used every parameter to resize the bin but they don't work..

An Exemples...
Nios 1 : .out = 500k .bin = ~200k
Nios 2 : .out = 500k . bin = ~ 1200k !!!!!! why?

please help me

Best Regards