
Xilinx LUT behavior question

Started by Unknown November 30, 2005

Yes, he will have problems.

Glitches on LUTs will be the least of his problems.


Eric Smith wrote:

> I asked about the possibility of glitches on LUT outputs. Peter gave > a definitive response, and Symon wrote: > >>You got a good answer from Peter. However, my smarty pants response is to >>never put yourself in a position where you care what the answer is! You'd >>never clock a FF from the output of a LUT. Would you? ;-) > > > I fully agree; my designs are fully synchronous. > > The reason the whole question came up is that a friend is trying to > cram old TTL logic designs into an FPGA without redesigning them to > be synchronous, so he has latches, S-R flops, and other horrible stuff. > I was wondering whether an S-R flop implemented as two cross-coupled > gates using a LUT for each gate could even be guaranteed to function > correctly; if LUTs can have output glitches they would not. > > I'm still trying to convince my friend that his approach is likely to > cause him much grief. > > Eric