
FPGA multiplier

Started by sutejok September 5, 2006
Rob wrote:
> Funny you should mention this. We came across the same issue, but we found > out the limitations of the memory interface before we decided to spin > boards. We ultimately went with an FPGA. You can't be an FPGA for parallel > processing. In our particular application an FPGA running at 67MHz out > performed the BlackFin running at 500MHz, all because of the FPGA's inherent > power of parallel processing.
No argument here. In this particular project we outsourced the hardware design, but did all the software in house. We had limited time to review the hardware designer's choice for chips -- he did some digging and we were content to trust his instincts. Getting to the point where we would have studied the datasheet in terms of memory bandwidth...there's just no way we would have invested the time in that then. There would have been an element of faith that AD would have designed their memory controller efficiently. Realistically their SDRAM controller seems to be just an afterthought. I can't really see how it would be *that* hard to add in bursting...and it would completely solve the bottlenecks... Note AD = Analog Devices + this discussion is in regards to their blackfin line of DSP products. Not really FPGA's. :) -Dave -- David Ashley http://www.xdr.com/dash Embedded linux, device drivers, system architecture