
Nuria Orduna (@nuriaorduna)

Senior Design Engineer at Xilinx Inc, based in Edinburgh. Full-time geek and travel and hiking lover. Follow @nuriaorduna !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");

How to start in FPGA development? - Simulation software tools

Nuria Orduna September 19, 20128 comments

This post is related to the first post How to start in FPGA development? - Some tips which aimed to show other options to work on the simulation of your project. In this first approach will be explained some advantages and disadvantages of using Xilinx ISE (+ModelSim) or using ModelSim, Precision and Xilinx ISE. And finally my opinion of which are the ones I...

How to start in FPGA development? - Some tips

Nuria Orduna August 30, 20123 comments

The aim of this tutorial is to show some useful tips for people like me that one day started from zero to work with FPGA's. Why FPGA's? Because they are easy to use and they are not too expensive, and they are usually used in lab courses to let students "play" with them.

1: How to choose the right FPGA?

As you may know there are a lot of different FPGA's, brands and models. How to choose the right one? It's very difficult to say that before knowing which will be the...

Re: FPGA Clocking

Reply posted 2 years ago (03/05/2022)
Are you trying to connect an IBUFDS at the output of the clock wizard? If you send a clock diagram of what you are trying to do or a snippet of the code that could...

Re: ML310 board by Xilinx

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/02/2019)
If you generate the cores you are interested in and create the example design, that will create the example design for that specific board. You just need to select...

Re: ML310 board by Xilinx

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/02/2019)
Hi Robert,if you already have the ISE, you should be able to select and configure your project for that specific development board (instead of selecting the virtex...

Re: ML310 board by Xilinx

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/02/2019)
Hi Robert,I guess you have already found that?https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/boards_and_kits/ug068.pdf Regarding the tools, you could possibly sign...

Re: FPGA and VHDL Language for beginner

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/28/2017)
Hi Ima, no problem! :) Have a look at that one also https://www.fpgarelated.com/showarticle/38.php it's very generic, but may help you as well.Núria

Re: FPGA and VHDL Language for beginner

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/27/2017)
Hi IMA, did you have a look at this? https://www.fpgarelated.com/showarticle/53.php (as a starting point)or this? https://www.fpgarelated.com/showarticle/208/vhdl-t...I...

Re: Programmable SoC and SoC FPGA

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/25/2017)
Hi,I may be mistaken, but I would say the main difference to me is the name you use. A programmable SoC is effectively a uProcessor with an integrated FPGA (or the...

Re: Code review. Newbie's first verilog module!

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/24/2016)
Small suggestions on code writing. If you may change your clk frequency at some point, I recommend that you use external parameter defines to set the count values....

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