Code review. Newbie's first verilog module!
Started by 9 years ago●4 replies●latest reply 9 years ago●361 viewsHi
This is one of the first verilog modules I wrote. It reads a 1-Wire iButton / Dallas keyfob code.
The theory of operation is that approximately every two seconds it samples the 1-Wire line and if a keyfob is present it transmits the "Read" command (0x33) and then reads back the 64-Bit code from the keyfob.
I wrote this about 18 Months ago as one of my first ever FPGA / #Verilog projects.
It does work, and works well, but I'm pretty sure it must be a suitable candidate for improving. So I invite you to give me your comments.
module iButton( inout ibio, // 1-Wire iButton/Dallas signal line. input clk, // Master clock, currently 2.08 MHz output [63:0]ibData, // 64 Bit data read from iButton output ibDataReady ); // indicates valid button data is ready. reg ib_oe; reg ibin, ds1, ds2; reg [7:0] state ; reg [31:0] count = 0; reg [63:0] dataBitsIN = 64'd0; reg [7:0] bitCount = 0; reg [7:0] writeByte; reg [7:0] lowCount; reg [7:0] highCount; reg ibDataReady = 0; parameter[7:0] STATE_INITIAL_HOLD = 8'h00, STATE_START_BIT = 8'h01, STATE_START_HOLD = 8'h02, STATE_DETECT_READ = 8'h03, STATE_RELEASE_WAIT = 8'h04, STATE_BIT_WRITE_BEGIN = 8'h05, STATE_BIT_WRITE_SET = 8'h06, STATE_BIT_WRITE_WAIT = 8'h07, STATE_BIT_WRITE_RELEASE = 8'h08, STATE_BIT_HIGH_WAIT = 8'h09, STATE_BIT_WRITE_NEXT = 8'h0a, STATE_BIT_READ_BEGIN = 8'h0b, STATE_BIT_READ_ASSERT = 8'h0c, STATE_BIT_READ_HOLD1 = 8'h0d, STATE_BIT_READ_HOLD2 = 8'h0e, STATE_BIT_READ_DONE = 8'h0f; assign ibio = ib_oe ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ; // High impedence, or driven low. Uses pull-up resistor for high. assign ibData = (ibDataReady) ? dataBitsIN : 64'd0; always @(posedge clk) begin ds2 <= ds1; ds1 <= ibio; ibin <= ds2; end always @(posedge clk) begin // Fail safe, resets the count and the state if we stall too long at any stage. if(count > 32'h4F0000) begin count <= 32'h0; state <= STATE_INITIAL_HOLD; end case (state) STATE_INITIAL_HOLD: begin // count to 3f7a00 (two seconds at 2.08 MHz) then move to next state; if(count < 32'h3f7a00) begin count <= count + 1; end else begin count <= 0; bitCount <= 0; state <= STATE_START_BIT; end end STATE_START_BIT: begin // transmit a >480 uS low pulse which wakes up and detects the iButton. if (count < 32'd1100) begin ib_oe <= 1'b1; // Output enable, drives low. count <= count + 1; end else begin ib_oe <= 1'b0; // release the io line count <= 0; // reset the count for the next state. state <= STATE_START_HOLD; end end STATE_START_HOLD: begin // wait for 70 uS if (count < 32'd146) begin count <= count + 1; end else begin // move to the next state, sampling. state <= STATE_DETECT_READ; end end STATE_DETECT_READ: begin count <= 0; if (ibin) begin // the iButton did not pull us low, so no iButton detected. state <= STATE_INITIAL_HOLD; end else begin state <= state + 1; end end STATE_RELEASE_WAIT: begin // stay here until the line goes high again, and pause for a few uS. if (ibin) begin if(count > 100) begin state <= state + 1; writeByte <= 8'h33; end else begin count <= count + 1; end end end STATE_BIT_WRITE_BEGIN: begin // write READ_ROM Command (0x33); if(bitCount < 8) begin // preload the low and high counts. Calculated at 2.08 MHZ if (writeByte[0]) begin lowCount <= 8'd13; highCount <= 8'd132; state <= state +1; end else begin lowCount <= 8'd125; highCount <= 8'd10; state <= state +1; end end else begin count <= 0; state <= STATE_BIT_READ_BEGIN; // start reading back 8 bytes. end end STATE_BIT_WRITE_SET: begin // write the low mark ib_oe <= 1'b1; state <= state +1; end STATE_BIT_WRITE_WAIT: begin // wait for the lowCount if (lowCount == 0) begin state <= state + 1'b1; end else begin lowCount <= lowCount - 1'b1; end end STATE_BIT_WRITE_RELEASE: begin // set the pin high ib_oe <= 0; // switch off the drive, allow to float high. state <= state + 1; end STATE_BIT_HIGH_WAIT: begin // wait for the high count if (highCount == 0) begin state <= state + 1; end else begin highCount <= highCount - 1'b1; end end STATE_BIT_WRITE_NEXT: begin // skip to next bit bitCount <= bitCount + 1; writeByte <= {1'b0, writeByte[7:1]}; // rotate writeByte by 1 bit right. state <= STATE_BIT_WRITE_BEGIN; // loop for remaining bits end STATE_BIT_READ_BEGIN: begin // We have finished writing the command to read the rom. Now lets get set up to read back 64 Bits. ibDataReady <= 0; bitCount <= 0; dataBitsIN <= 64'd0; state <= state + 1; end STATE_BIT_READ_ASSERT: begin // write a 0 on the line if (bitCount < 40) begin dataBitsIN <= {1'b0, dataBitsIN[63:1]}; ib_oe <= 1'b1; // drive line low count <= 0; state <= state + 1; end else begin ibDataReady <= 1'b1; count <= 0; state <= 0; // start again, waiting for key presence. end end STATE_BIT_READ_HOLD1: begin // wait for 6 uS if (count < 12) begin count <= count + 1; end else begin // stop driving line ib_oe <= 1'b0; // release the line state <= state + 1; count <= 0; end end STATE_BIT_READ_HOLD2: begin // Wait for 9 uS if (count > 18) begin state <= state + 1; end end STATE_BIT_READ_DONE: begin bitCount <= bitCount + 1; if (ibin) begin // If we read back a '1' bit. dataBitsIN <= {1'b1, dataBitsIN[62:0]}; // no need to do anything for a '0' bit as MSb is already '0'. end state <= STATE_BIT_READ_ASSERT; // read next bit end default: begin state <= 8'h00; count <= 0; end endcase end endmodule
Small suggestions on code writing.
If you may change your clk frequency at some point, I recommend that you use external parameter defines to set the count values. This will allow you to reuse the module and instantiate in other clk domains without having to reedit the module every time ;)
And also I do prefer having a global reset, but it depends on what are your preferences.
When you go to the next state, I prefer always have the name of the next state rather than having state + 1. It makes the code more readable.
I won't comment on the functionality but here are some suggestions for making your module more reusable.
module iButton(
Never hard code constants in a program. Always use a variable in case someone tries to reuse your module in a design that already has a module of the same name.
`ifndef BASENAME
`define BASENAME iButton
module `BASENAME
Do it this way and the user can easily override your name.
Always include and active low asynchronous reset and an active high synchronous reset for each flip flop. The users can tie them off if not needed.
Never do this:
reg [31:0] count = 0;
reg [63:0] dataBitsIN = 64'd0;
reg [7:0] bitCount = 0;
It doesn't synthesize, use a reset.
Never do this inside of a module
assign ibio = ib_oe ? 1'b0 : 1'bZ; // High impedence, or driven low. Uses pull-up resistor for high.
Create a pad model and use that. Fpga tools can handle this but asic tools cannot
The same is true for synchronous rams. Create a generic model for your source that can be replaced by a hard macro for an asic design.
I always cringe when I see stuff like this:
if (count < 32'd146) begin
Define a parameter or a `define and use that instead.
John Eaton
This will synthesize with most FPGA tools
reg [31:0] count = 0; reg [63:0] dataBitsIN = 64'd0; reg [7:0] bitCount = 0;
And is often recommend as the initialization process instead of a global reset in an FPGA.
I really do not like the ifdef module name nor do I see much benefit to it.
I agree with the no magic numbers, include localparam at the beginning of the module with the definitions.
Thanks - your points are really good.
Magic numbers! I should've know that. Thinking about it, it might be better if I allow the current clock speed to be expressed as parameter and let the module calculate the best counts for the various timing cycles. Currently that module expects a fixed clock of 2.08 MHz.