
QSPI Slave controller IP core

Started by sachinwannabe 4 years ago2 replieslatest reply 4 years ago206 views
Hi,I can't seem to find a QSPI slave IP core. Any pointers? My application needs to interface with a QSPI master interface on a processor.Thanks
I want to use a example from the Intel FPGA Monitor Program 18.1 and use it in Quartus 18.1. It is the video example, which creates a blue box on the HDMI...

Final Push and Could use your Help

Started by stephaneb 4 years ago252 views
Hello,by now, I suspect that most of you are already signed-up for the upcoming Embedded Online Conference that I am currently organizing with Jacob Beningo (@beningjw).I...

UDP or TCP/IP FPGA solution for max streaming rate of 640 Mbps

Started by jmca 5 years ago6 replieslatest reply 4 years ago392 views
Hi,I am an FPGA engineer in charge of developing a test application that must offload a continuous test data stream between host PC and a test hardware. I do not...

New Embedded Online Conference website, need your help testing it.

Started by stephaneb 5 years ago15 replieslatest reply 4 years ago297 views
Together with my friend Jacob Beningo, we have been working hard lately on putting together a platform to hold online conferences:https://www.embeddedonlineconference.comBefore...

Running Sum filter

Started by Adira 5 years ago17 replieslatest reply 4 years ago484 views
Hello,I implemented running sum filter In FPGA.  Input width(IW) is 8 and the log(based two) of the maximum number of averages(LGMEM) is 14. The output/accumulator...

Expect Downtime

Started by stephaneb 5 years ago14 replieslatest reply 5 years ago312 views
Edit #1 01/19 10:12am: well, false start with the new host.  Their migration team was supposed to help me through the process this morning but I am not hearing...

Back online - Migration done

Started by stephaneb 5 years ago1 replylatest reply 5 years ago178 views
It looks like the migration went well.  I found a couple of errors but solved them quickly.  I will continue to do some testing to make sure that everything is...
I am trying to bring up the DE10 Nano kit that has Cyclone V FPGA using the open source Cascade compiler https://github.com/vmware/cascade from VMware. It uses Quartus...

timing analysis query

Started by dayana42200 5 years ago39 views
Hello everyone.Currently, Im designing a processing element.This design is synthesis in Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 using Virtex 6 XC6VLX75T-2FF484.I have problem...

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