Will this FPGA be suitable for DSP purposes?
Started by 4 years ago●8 replies●latest reply 4 years ago●509 viewsHey guys! My masters degree thesis is digital lock-in amplifier. I want to make it on an FPGA to learn this piece of hardware. Basically I have a budget of 220€...
Hello,I have the following questions:1. A Quartus Prime Lite version is sufficient for my FPGA design. Can I use only the Lite version in my company for commercial...
Libero SmartFusion 2 Pinout Chart
Started by 4 years ago●47 viewsHi everyone, I am trying to learn how to use the SmartFusion 2 Maker Kit for a research project. Right now I am trying to simply flash an LED but I cant find which...
Clock domain crossing
Started by 4 years ago●731 viewsConstraints are essential when developing a new design. The constraints set up are the environmental, clock, test and power boundaries the designers must keep themselves...
Creating custom IP for zedboard
Started by 4 years ago●96 viewsHi all,I'm working on a video streming project with a zedboard and an ov7670 camera module. I found a similar project online, made by Mike Field, and I was able...
Hi all,
First off, I hope that you and your families are staying safe and well during this time of global pandemic.
I just received my TinyFPGA in the mail yesterday...
Converting table files (.tbl) to vector waveform files (.vwf) for simulation.
Started by 4 years ago●70 viewsHello everyone,I am migrating an old MAXPLUS II design to Quartus II. I could transfer the schematic files and the design is ready, but not able to migrate the...
With adequate filtering after AD conversion, the SNR is calculated as,SNR=6.02*N+1.76+10*log(fs/(2*BW));N-> No: of ADC bitsThe term 10log(fs/2*BW) is referred...
How to avoid Blocking Statement in Verilog
Started by 4 years ago●1 reply●latest reply 4 years ago●78 viewsHi,I have a matlab code and I have to convert it to verilog.The matlab code is as follows:/****************************************************************/clc;clear...
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